Monday, 21 March 2016

Dangerous Game Of Communist Parties In India.

The Dangerous Game of Communists In INDIA

Where do the Left and Islam Intersect..?

          Curious? How the godless left and Islam share a critical aim. They both wish to subjugate infidels, though how infidel is defined differs. But who the infidels are? We are, of course, the infidels. We who hold to other beliefs. We’re obstacles to glorious futures for both. Both want us consigned to dhimmitude. Yes, dhimmitude. That’s second class status, with tribute being paid for the privilege.

           Marked differences and tensions exist between the left and Islam, to be sure. But is the left using Islam for its ends, and Islam -- for the time being -- willingly being used? For some time, an argument has been made that the liberal left, in refusing to examine the problems of Islam, has betrayed its Enlightenment roots. That is, while secular, feminist, and protective of free speech in dealing with its peers, the liberal left has been accused of abandoning its heritage in its quest for political correctness regarding Muslims.

             In truth, however, the left has a distinguished background of courting Islam as a weapon against capitalism. Its most representative figures from the past did so frankly. Today, though, it isn’t just capitalism that the left wants Islam to sic. It’s the totality of other Civilization. Leftism has expanded its agenda beyond Marx-focused economics. For the left to get us to dhimmitude, that means “deconstructing” our culture and society; upending our mores and traditions; shattering our institutions; demeaning faith and marginalizing the faithful.

            Its gains are evident all around us. From Marx onward, the left has operated by a simple rule vis-à-vis Islam: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This, as Schwartz suggests, explains why the left is unwilling to identify Islam as a foe. It might explain -- why left is silent on Kashmir. Most indians have a hard time accepting that fellow citizens might knowingly act in ways injurious to the security and welfare of the nation. The 20th Century had more than a few Indians who worked to advance communism in opposition to vital national interests. In extreme cases, some indians acted treasonously. Do the names of Sita Ram Yechuri and Digvijay Singh or Owaisi bother us. The relationship between the left and Islam is complicated. The same leftist and secularists, who are supporting Muslim terror outfits, denouncing selectively and poorly, against various militant Muslim factions.

             What does guide  Communists to make Indian and Muslim policies? They make for some contradictions. Yet the thread of communist’s policies runs toward accommodation with militant Muslim factions (or nations). Perhaps our leftists appreciate that while Islam is useful, it’s also dangerous. The Muslims are valuable when managed (as best able). Not every Indian identifying with the left acts from malice.

             There are followers and fellow travelers. AAP may be a lefty, but it wouldn’t want harm to come to the country. There are gullible souls who think it’s all about Kumbaya. Spoken of here are leftist intellectuals, chattering classes, politicians, and career activists who either seek or welcome Islam’s role in “transforming” India and the world. The attack on Parliament may have dented, but hasn’t stopped, India’s elite from clinging to political correctness. Attempts continue to mollify increasingly restive -- increasingly violent -- Muslim populations. The attack was just a dramatic example of Muslim violence across the country. Concomitant with the rise in violence is an increase in anti-nationalism.

           More Muslim violence is targeting Hindus. Note, too, that anti-Hindu sentiment is on the upswing on the left. In our country, a backlash has begun to leftist policies that permit the creeping Islamization of the nation. Muslim violence is spurring the growth of rightist parties throughout the country. It may be a harbinger of things to come in India, though the Muslim population here is estimated at only 18 crores nationally. That’s up faster year by year. The reports attribute that “as a result of multiculturalism, a small number of radicals had set up a ‘fifth column’ in the country.”

              Multiculturalism is an invention of the left. "Let's block the clandestine INVASION immediately. Let's check by whom, how and why there is funding of MOSQUES and Islamic centres," A fatal conceit exists on the left in its use of Islam. It’s this: leftists are in every way superior to Muslims. Islam, violent and useful, though dangerous, is primitive and no match for the great minds and godless certitudes of “progressivism.” Islam can be used and then dispensed with. But the left underestimates the power of an ancient faith -- and its faithful -- at its own peril. Conceit was the first great sin, and led to a fall. Leftists may want to mull that.


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